“It’s funny how the beauty of art
has so much more to do with the
frame than the artwork itself.”
Chuck Palahniuk
“As the leaves fell slowly from the Jacaranda, I ran to catch a piece of the sky.”
We are situated in the Moot of Pretoria, next to Steve Biko Road that passes High School Wonderboom. We are accross from Wonderboom Suid Primary School in Hertzog Street. See Contact page for directions.
"'n Plek vir elke ding en elke ding op sy plek"
(a place for everything and everything at its place)
― Louis Botha
In loving memory of mr Louis Botha, the founder of Rascal Frames. He was a loving husband, a father of 3 sons and a grandfater. Rascal Frames is mr Louis legacy being run by his son who wants to honour his fathers passon.
“That’s rule number one for a photographer, isn’t it? Fill your frame?”
We concentrate mainly on:
Oil Paintings
Water Colours
Block Mounts
Box Frames (3D)
We also have a collection of ready made frames up to A4 size.